London City Airport gains approval to boost passenger capacity to 9 million annually

The UK Government has approved London City Airport’s plans to increase its annual passenger cap from 6.5 million to 9 million, alongside allowing three additional flights in the first half-hour of weekday operations, providing greater capacity and convenience for business travellers.

However, proposals to extend the airport’s Saturday afternoon operating hours have been rejected.

The increase in the passenger cap is set to enhance London City Airport’s role as a vital hub for business travel, offering more options and flexibility for UK-based business travellers.

This move does not involve an increase in the number of annual flights or any additional infrastructure but is focused on optimising current operations. The approval also aligns with London City’s commitment to environmental responsibility by allowing only cleaner, quieter, next-generation aircraft during extended operating periods—a first for a UK airport.

Alison FitzGerald, CEO of London City Airport, expressed mixed reactions to the decision:

While we welcome the approval to increase our passenger numbers, we are disappointed with the Government’s decision to reject our proposal to fly from 12:30pm to 6:30pm on Saturday afternoons.” She added, “As the Government has recognised in its decision, rejecting our request to extend our Saturday afternoon operating hours will slow down airlines bringing cleaner, quieter next generation aircraft to the airport. Local residents would have had the added benefit of these aircraft operating at the airport throughout the week, not just in the extended operating hours.

The proposal to extend operating hours on Saturday afternoons aimed to provide more choice and flexibility for passengers, including business travellers who rely on weekend flights. The current closure time of 12:30pm on Saturdays will remain unchanged following the decision. The airport had sought a new closing time of 6:30pm after an extensive consultation process but was ultimately unsuccessful.

Paul Baker, Sales Director of Global Travel Management, highlighted the benefits of this decision for business travellers:

The increase in passenger capacity at London City Airport is a welcome development for UK-based business travellers. It ensures more flight options during the week, helping to accommodate the needs of busy professionals who rely on efficient and flexible travel schedules. London City’s commitment to deploying quieter, next-generation aircraft is an added advantage for our clients who prioritise sustainability in their business travel.

The decision to reject the Saturday afternoon extension means airlines may face challenges in introducing the latest, most efficient aircraft into service at London City Airport. Nevertheless, the increase in the passenger cap is expected to bring considerable benefits to business travellers seeking better connectivity and convenience.

For more information on how these changes might affect your business travel plans, please contact your Global Travel Management Account Manager.