Global Travel Management on social media
You can follow Global Travel Management on social media. This page explains where to find us, what we post and how to engage.
We like to make sure our customers, suppliers, partners and friends keep up-to-date with what is happening in the world of business travel. So we share information on our social media channels.
Sometimes it’s crucial information, alerts and warnings. Other times it’s news about the industry. And we also like to share fun, funny and bizarre stories.

Every Thursday we send out an email to our subscriber list.
It’s a mixture of news and information about Global Travel Management and the business travel industry. It’s often backed up by an odd news story, a survey or a competition.
And it’s designed to keep people informed about what to look out for when they travel on business.
The weekly email is a great way for our subscribers to find out more information about business travel. But it’s also a great opportunity for customers to share their experiences and to give us feedback on what we’re doing right, what we need to improve and how we can best serve all of our customers, every day.
It’s free to subscribe to – simply click here and ask to be put on the mailing list.

We publish a newsletter called Business Travel News every Thursday morning.
This is one of the very first newsletters devoted to the business travel industry to be published within the LinkedIn business network.
It’s a summary of what’s happening in the business travel industry and it appears on your LinkedIn feed.
Subscribers get first-access to the newsletter every Thursday morning, giving a short, essential precis of the week’s news and information in the business travel industry.
Click here to subscribe, free of charge.

We have a YouTube channel, called Global Travel Management Matters.
We update the channel every week with a news clip, covering the most prominent news stories in the industry.
You can see past episodes of Business Travel News in the playlist.
The Business Travel Interview playlist shows interviews with leading individuals in the business travel industry.
The Business Travel Tools explains how some of the leading products and tools available to Global Travel Management customers are used.
And the COP 26 Challenge playlist is used by airlines and travel suppliers to explain how they intend to meet their carbon targets.
Click the Subscribe button on the Global Travel Management Matters channel to subscribe, free of charge. And hit the ‘bell’ icon to receive alerts each time a new video is posted.

Our fast-growing Twitter account, @GlobalTravelMgt provides updates throughout each business day.
Our increasingly-popular Twitter account posts tweets on
- the latest business travel industry news;
- airline, airport and travel supplier announcements;
- and breaking news items that affect travel
Global Travel Management has more than 1,200 followers on Twitter.
Followers can see links to the most important news items in the business travel industry, either on external sites or in the news pages of Global Travel Management’s website.

You can ‘like’ our Facebook page and keep up to date with everything that makes us tick.
We post information about Global Travel Management and Baxter Hoare Travel on our Facebook page, as well as information about the business travel industry, new fares, additional routes, offers from travel suppliers and everything else to ensure people who like our page keep up to date on business travel.
We also post the weekly Business Travel News video onto our Facebook page, so that more people get to see it there, as well as on YouTube.
You can reach our Facebook page by navigating to

We use LinkedIn, the business network, to share information about the business and our views on what’s happening with airlines, government regulations, industry issues and travel suppliers’ information.
LinkedIn is used to research companies, so we have pages for Global Travel Mangement and Baxter Hoare on LinkedIn – please follow these accounts to keep up to date on what we’re doing and how the industry is moving forwards.
And, as LinkedIn is used to create connections between individuals, many of our employees have their own LinkedIn accounts, such as Scott Pawley and Paul Baker.
And you can subscribe to our weekly LinkedIn newsletter, Business Travel News here.

And finally, our website,
We regularly update this website, in order to bring the most up-to-date, relevant information about Global Travel Management and the business travel sector.
By checking out the website so you can:
- read regularly-updated news items on the News pages;
- find out all about the Team here at Global Travel Management;
- discover how to get here;
- learn more about some of the products available to Global Travel Management customers in our Toolbox;
- interact with the Live chat service powered by our AI agent Dave;
- register for a HomingPIN and set up a HomingPIN account to track your luggage and valuables;
- see how your company can benefit from Global Travel Management’s mobile app;
- check out videos demonstrating GTM Online, the award-winning, single sign-in online booking tool