Free Copy Of Your Quarterly Hotel Market Report!

I am very happy to announce the publication of the HOTELS QUARTERLY MARKET REPORT.

The publication, compiled in association with our partners, Advantage Travel Partnership, provides an insight into the hotel market in 2018 and contains fascinating industry insight, particularly for anyone who needs to book business travel in the year ahead.

With detailed research and analysis, the report contains important information for any business booking hotel rooms for business travel in the next year. The data includes details on the average daily rate paid in hotels worldwide; research into how many hotels are being built; how many additional hotel rooms are coming on-stream; the increase in hotel nights booked worldwide – and the extent to which the UK market leads the world; plus many other data points that are critical in determining how and where next year’s travel spend can best be utilised.

The report analyses which hotel industry trends should be watched in the year ahead. Including the effect Brexit will have on Average Day Rates in hotels in London and elsewhere in the country; the best way to book stays in order to ensure securing hotel group loyalty points; and advice on how to make sure bookings are made at the best rates.

The top 40 locations in the UK are analysed to show which places are the most popular and where the highest and lowest Average Daily Rates can be found. And there is information on the top 40 places outside the UK too.

This report is a vital set of research to help ensure you can optimise your hotel spend in the coming year. If you would like a copy of the report, please drop me an email – – and I will send you a PDF version, free of charge.