Virgin Atlantic and Delta Air Lines have announced plans to align their services at London Heathrow airport, as their transatlantic joint venture gets ready for take off.
The two airlines have revealed details of their new combined schedule which will start on 30th March 2014. Among the changes, Delta will move flights on its key business routes (New York JFK, Boston and Seattle) to Heathrow’s Terminal 3, in order to co-locate with Virgin Atlantic from 2nd April. All of Delta Air Lines’ flights are currently based at Terminal 4.
Craig Kreeger, Virgin Atlantic’s CEO, said: “We already co-locate together at New York’s JFK airport and moving some of Delta’s key business flights to join Virgin Atlantic at Heathrow’s Terminal 3 will enhance convenience and reduce connection times.
As part of the move, all business class passengers with both carriers will be given access to Virgin’s Clubhouse lounge in Terminal 3.
Delta is to also operate a second daily service between Heathrow and Detroit from 2nd June 2 2014, alongside its recently announced Heathrow-Seattle route, which is due to launch later this month on 30th March.