Lufthansa Cabin Crew Strike 31st August 2012
Notification of today’s strike by Lufthansa cabin crews was only announced by the airline at 0700 CET today. The union representing Lufthansa’s flight attendants refused to release details any earlier.
The strike officially started at 0500 this morning and will last until 1300 CET today. Please forward on to your colleagues as appropriate and recommend that anyone due to fly with Lufthansa today, checks in for their flight online, where they will find the most up to date information. We have already checked whether any of the tickets we’ve issued have been affected and will be in contact with those passengers very shortly.
It is worth noting that this may be the first in a series of walk-outs by Lufthansa flight attendants, so if you are planning any travel, or are due to fly with the airline in the coming weeks, please always check in online. We will send out further updates as they reach us.